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20:00 - 20:15 - Intro
20:15 - 20:30 - Intro Studio Emma
20:30 - 21:15 - Laravel: PHP da gin zeer doe (Pieter)
21:15 - 21:30 - Pauze
21:30 - 22:30 - Isolating and hosting multiple PHP apps with docker (Ike)
22:30 - ... - Socializen

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PHP-WVL presenteert (1/2)...

PHP-WVL presenteert (2/2)...

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Noaste kjee

Dinsdag 18/11/2014 @ CRM.art, Waregem

PHP-WVL zoekt...

PHP-WVL zoekt...

  • Locaties
  • Sprekers


  • Previously on 24: http://24.wikia.com/wiki/Previously_on_24?file=Previouslyon24.jpg
  • Social media icons: http://dribbble.com/shots/1074961-Flat-Icons-EPS
  • Uncle Sam: http://www.wired.com/2012/03/feds-seize-foreign-sites/
  • Sfeerbeelden: Jachim!